Rogue System Reboot Update

Good news in this one!

Rogue System Reboot Update

First of all, many thanks to each and every one of you in the community for your support. I know I said the next newsletter will be for the prototype ship announcement, but something amazing has happened and I just had to share it with you all.

As predicted, January has been a fantastic month for progress on the reboot. I’ve written several hundred lines of code and consulted with a professional software developer with several years of experience. Thanks Mersey Viking. Also, everyone give thanks to Mersey for pulling models from the existing game and working on pulling the FireArc and other old ship models.

There’s a couple videos from the community that I’d like to highlight. First up is a video from Squashwash with nearly 85k views at the time of writing!:

Next up, a video from Amidships/Notorious A.L.B:

Big thanks to both of these gentlemen for featuring the game. Give them a subscribe and a like!

And finally, the biggest news of all: I’ve found a lead developer! Alex V. has nearly 40 years of game development experience. He has been making games since at least 1987 and is currently a Senior Lead Full-Stack Developer & Project Manager for a game company. I’m being vague to protect his privacy but maybe you’ll hear from him directly in a future edition of this newsletter.

I was going to wait until the prototype ship was ready to show before I drew any attention to this, but given certain factors… let’s just say the sooner the Ko-fi takes off, the better for everyone involved. Please consider donating, one-off or monthly. That’s why I chose Ko-fi. I wanted you all to have a choice in how you donate. Eventually, I’d like to add some things to the shop there as well. Let me know what you’d like to see for sale. You can email me directly at [email protected]

Thank you all for your continued support.