July 2024 Update

Trailers coming soon!

July 2024 Update

Hey folks! Feidry here again with another Rogue System Reboot Newsletter. There’s a fair bit of talk about trailers in this one. They’re not out yet, but there’s a link below where you can subscribe to the YouTube channel.

Main Project Progress

Alex has been hard at work on a separate project. Since we were able to recover models of the ships and stations from the Leadwerks version of the game, Alex has been plugging them in on that project. This work allows us to capture footage for trailers and visualize our iteration on Rogue System. Work on Void Traveler, the project that Michael J sent over, is currently on hold while Alex focuses on this task.

Cargo Skiff

Cargo Skiff with Cargo Container WIP

CptTangerine has been hard at work on a Cargo Skiff. You find these hanging around stations. They are used to move cargo containers around between the station and ships. This image is very much a work in progress and is not final.

Audio Work

These last couple months have seen a flurry of work on Fmod as well as quite a few lines turned in by the voice actors on the team, several of which will be used in the trailers mentioned further down this newsletter. Thanks CptTangerine and joebro for providing those.

YouTube Channel

I finally took the time to create a YouTube channel for the reboot. I’ve been working on a channel trailer as a practice run for the game trailer. I’ve done video editing before but I’m learning new software. I know there’s not a lot of (or, well, any) content on the channel yet but subscribe and hit the bell so you won’t miss any of our uploads.


If you’re a fan of Rogue System and you haven’t heard of either of these two games, you’re in for a treat. Both of them feature detailed ship systems simulations and immersive cockpits.

Alliance Space Guard is being developed by David C. Elington, an incredibly helpful and intelligent individual.

Reentry - A Space Flight Simulator is nearly at its 1.0 launch. Petri has been hard at work getting it polished up.

I’ve been in contact with both of these developers and I wanted to give them a little boost if at all possible so go check them out and subscribe to their channels.

Final Thoughts

Sorry for the long span between newsletters. I only want to send these out when I have substantial progress to show. I feel like there was a lot jammed into this newsletter. Thank you all for your continued support. Please consider tossing a few bucks our way over on the Ko-fi.